Weekends passes real fast.
I have not been attending work due to some giddy spells or stuff happen to randomly fast and sudden. Totally out of range to control anymore.
I have not been attending work due to some giddy spells or stuff happen to randomly fast and sudden. Totally out of range to control anymore.
This is gonna end real soon as long as my first Understanding Test end on tomorrow, Monday.
I need a small break before I start slogging hard for my report and work to earn more moolahs to save up for my BKK trips and spend.
Babylove was real sweet, though th time spends was just always not enough.
Both us intended to head for Malaysia on Sat, yet, the plan was cancel out of the sudden :(
& have the day spend talking, heading to Suntec for Soup Restaurant.
I think babycaleb is too crazy over over Thai stuff?
Ask him eat his Samsui chicken, down there kept on guessing whether the next table of people is Thai or Vietnam people -_-||
Then back to AMKHub again for a Movie "RobinHood".
Nice movie & well-saided philosophy.

I love the appearance of both of us wearing the Jacket that we both bought it together. <3
shall posting photos when I have the time and the right time to get a photo (:
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