Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sexcited ;)

Term break is coming to an end soon. I want it to prolong as possible though i'm still not yet done with my FYP report with my mates. Glad that they are gonna be finishing it together once school term started.

Been taking on light makeup to reduce the pimples from coming out as I'm very prone to pimples. ;( & I love th natural look of myself
*yea~ i know. Self praise again. Lol*
Still, at least, I ain't drawing those thick eyeliners and padding on thick foundation just to have the "flawless" skin. =x
I'm not being an outcaster here. Just some kinda opinion to girls that trust your look and portray it th most natural way is the best assets that you could showoff too ;)

I'm missing my boyfriend now<3
It's gonna be a hecticcccc weeekendddd~

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